martes, 17 de marzo de 2020


Let's practise speaking.

Do the following:
- Speak for 2-3 minutes: What do you usually do on Monday?

- Take 1 or 2 minutes of silence before speaking, thinking ! thinking!
- Do not make long sentences.
- Try to use verbs related to daily routine (have breakfast, get dressed, go to work, leave home....).

Pruébate a hablar 3 minutos con un reloj, puede que al principio salga peor, pero mejorareis fluidez y confianza.

Esto para la mañana, por la tarde podéis hacer lo mismo pero con esta pregunta:

- Speak for 2.3 minutes: What does your best friend do on Monday? ( use your imagination).

In this second part remember to use -s- in all the verbs!!!!!! 

Nice day! and patience!! 

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