Last entry this summer.
I hope you keep contact with English.
See you next course. I will not be your teacher, but I hope to see you in the corridor and to recognize you- Now with the masks it is a bit more difficult.
It has been a pleasure (placer) to be your teacher. You were really hardworking (trabajadores) in general and full of enthusiasm to learn English.
Good luck and never forget the basis of English is present simple!!
Some activities for you:
Reading : HERE. Look at the picture and choose one of the five sentences
Hi dear students HERE you have the link for the books you need next year
Aunque serán los libros para el curso q viene, recomiendo comprarlos en octubre, cuando empecemos las clases. Si todo va bien habrá orales hasta el 4-8 de octubre ( no recuerdo bien), con lo q no hay prisa. Son unos libros muy buenos.
Take care ,be responsible and enjoy the sun and the air.
There you have some activities for you to keep in contact with English!
Exercise 1: Order the words to make a sentence Exercise 2: Vocabulary. Dale a los ojos y durante dos segundos ves una palabra. Cliquea la imagen correspondiente Exercise 3: Cliquea un punto a la izquierda y luego otro que corresponda a la derecha.
Watch and read this video once or twice. Later listen to it without reading and without watching. Check if you understand more or less the same.
Watch a video HERE and anwer the questions below: (recuerda, draw /dro:/ es dibujar).
Clare is good at history.
Clare’s notes are too long.
Mark thinks you need to write everything.
Mark draws a crown (corona) and an ‘H’ instead of ‘King Henry’.
Clare doesn’t think Mark’s idea is very good.
Mark's way of taking notes doesn't work for Clare.
Some activities for you to keep in contact with your English. Remember this blog is full of exercises. You can go back to the old posts and do the activities you haven't done (que no habéis hecho) or repeat the ones you want.
Do you want to test your knowledge about customs and traditions in Great Britain? Do THIS TEST and check it.
Podeís encontrar toda la información para vuestra matrícula pinchando AQUI.
Os toca 6 y 7 de julio, y hay habilitados unos días a final de julio para los que no puedan esos días. Cuanto antes lo hagáis más opciones de elegir el horario que queráis.
Si sabéis de alguien que quiere apuntarse el año que viene y no hizo la preinscripción que lo intente en septiembre fuera de plazo. No suele haber problema.
I am really enjoying the swimming pool. This third semester was chaotic, but I hope next year everything is more normal and we can continue with our classes at school, not at home.
PRESENT SIMPLE Exercise 1: complete the crossword with the 3rd person singular (-s-) Exercise 2: complete the questions in present simple Exercise 3: change the sentence to negative PAST SIMPLE Exercise 1: change from present to past Exercise 2: complete the crossword with the verbs in the past
These words are usually confused. Watch the video and do the exercises
Fill in the missing words with "there" or "their".
1. The cat is over .
2. The boys are using phones in class.
3. The students have left bags in the library.
4. Look out! The dog is .
5. is a cat on the table.
6. books are on the teacher's desk.
7. The teacher left his bag over .
8. The students finished homework on time.
9. The girls left the ball yesterday.
10. Someone left lunch on a bench in the park.
(KEY . 1 there 2their 3their 4there 5 there 6there 7 there 8their 9 there 10their)
Hola a todos,
Todavía no están las fechas de matrícula. Empezarán el 6 de julio (no sé con qué niveles empezarán). Atentos a la web de la escuela
VOCABULARY HERE is an exercise to practise action verbs. It is a memory. Darle a "play".Si no te va es porque el adobe flash lo tienes bloqueado. Botón derecho y habilitar/permitir. HERE is another exercise to practise clothes vocabulary.
PRONUNCIATION Exercise 1: dale al sonido que corresponda con la palabra y dale a "submit" (enviar) para pasar a la siguiente pregunta Exercise 2: listen and choose the correct word. Al final de las 10 palabras te la el número de acertadas. Exercise 3: choose the odd one out. Elige la que no rime.
Hi students
Just a brief note to tell you something.
La matrícula será en julio. No hay fechas, pero tenedlo presente. Están intentando q se pueda hacer online. Ya os informaré.
Here I am in the A1 exam. Big class and very few people.
Let ‘s cross our fingers and think everything will be more normal in September.
Why not learning a bit of history in English? Here you have two videos about the Roman Empire and the French Revolution. It is for primary chidren. Enjoy it. Si después de un visionado se os hace muy difícil activad los subtítulos.
Here is a summary of prepositions to use with different time expressions:
No Preposition
October 1997 the morning summer
Christmas the weekend night 7 o'clock
Monday the 21st November my birthday Christmas Day
Yesterday Last week Today Tomorrow Next month
Exercise 1: prepositions. En la parte de arriba sale publicidad, pasa muchas veces, bajad un poquito la página.
Exercise 2: past. Complete the text with the appropriate verb in the past.
Este examen no es para los alumnos aprobados (informados por email) ni para los que normalmente habéis venido a clase. Es SÓLO para los de la lista que aparece más abajo
A este examen presencial sólo están convocadas estas personas:
Here you have the link if you want speaking classes with our language assistant teachers (lectores):
Enjoy your weekend!
La mayoría de vosotros, con los que me he comunicado estos meses, estáis aprobados y os he mandado un email con vuestras notas.
Para las personas que convoqué en una lista al examen presencial ,ya están disponibles las fechas en nuestra web. El examen será el día 18 de junio a las 16h. Para más detalles leed AQUÍ la página web de la escuela. A los que os he dicho aprobado, nada, obviad este mensaje.
Enjoy the weekend
Hi dear students
It's our last virtual contact between you and me. Well, last officially. This is my last piece of homework. We will "celebrate" San Bernabé and after it I will be at school, with exams and getting everything ready for the next year.
Let's hope the virus dies and doesn't attack as much as before.
For those who have passed (que han aprobado) congratulations on your effort, attendance to class and movitation. You are the real protagonists of your learning and your motivation makes you progress.
Once a week I will upload something in the blog during the summer, but you can also go back to the old posts and repeat activities. Keep a minimum contact with English in the summer. Thanks!!
I hope to see you , at least (al menos) in the corridor (pasillo) next course. I will not know, unfortunately for my organization, what classes I will be teaching until September. Enjoy your summer and a big hug for you all!!
What can we do?
Activity 1: present simple: habits and routines vocabulary Activity 2: Past simple verb To Be Activity 3: Past simple with Shakira. Si cliqueáis en "?" os dará el verbo que hay que poner en pasado Activity 4: Past simple and New Year's Eve. Lo mismo, cliquea y mira el verbo. Si dudas si es pasado regular o irregular mira la lista de irregulares que hay en la última página de tu libro de clase. Activity 5 : Present simple or continuous. Click "?", and put the verb in simple or continuous.
Read the passages and listen at the same time
What's your favourite sport? Listen to the interviews and try to understand
If the previous video was difficult. This is easier (más fácil):
Hi again! Do you want to read in summer? You can borrow books at our library. Read this information:
Os escribo para comentaros cómo va a funcionar la biblioteca de cara al verano.
Aquellos alumnos que deseen devolver material pueden hacerlo ya por las mañanas entregando el material en conserjería. Para aquellos que deseen sacar material para el verano , la biblioteca abrirá los días 29 y 30 de junio de 12 a 14 h y de 16.30 a 19.30 y los días 1 y 2 de julio en horario de 12 a 14 h.
Hi dear students!
Yesterday it was our last class. It was strange. I never want to finish my classes, but this year it was different. In normal circumstances classes would have finished on 15th May, and I would have had (hubiera tenido) exams, exams and exams. For me exams are boring and my timetable and organization get crazy, so I never want to do exams. One day you are hours doing oral exams, the next day the same, the following day the same... Every day the same.
This year I will not have my exams, just a few (unos pocos) exams at the end of June.
We hope certificación goes ok in Septembre. Let's cross (cruzar) our fingers!!
Remember the summer is long and you need to keep a minimum contact with English. Read a little bit, do some activity from the blog, watch one of the videos... Do a little bit.
There goes my last composition for you this course ( do not forget the format is an email):
1. Listen to the first part of the song again and choose the right word for each blank.
You can dance / chance, you can jive, having the time of your life
See that girl, watch that scene/ film, diggin' the dancing queen
Friday night and the lights are go /low
Looking out for the place to go /low
Where they play the right music, getting in the swing / king
You come in to look for a swing / king
Anybody could be that guy/buy
Night is young and the music is high/guy
With a bit of rock music, everything is fine/right
Youre in the mood for a dance/chance
And when you get the dance/chance...
*jive // baile de los años cuarenta y cincuenta que se bailaba con musica de jazz o rock
2. Listen and complete with the words you hear
You are the dancing queen, __________ and __________, only __________
Dancing queen, __________ the beat from the tambourine
You __________ dance, you __________ jive, having the time of your life
See that girl, watch that scene, dig in the dancing queen
3. Now, listen to this final part of the song and match the sentences.
1. You're a teaser, 2. Leave them burning 3. Looking out for another, 4.Youre in the mood 5 And when you get
a. anyone will do b. and then you're gone c. you turn them on d. for a dance e. the chance...
4. Al estribillo otra vez (número 2)
Listen below (abajo) and do the exercises:
Detallo a continuación las personas que deberán presentarse
al examen de A1 en junio para poder pasar de curso. Excluyo todas aquellas
aprobadas por la evaluación continua o aquellas a las que ya he comunicado
personalmente que deben hacer el examen.
Poco a poco voy mandando emails e informándoos de vuestras notas. Si no lo habéis recibido antes del jueves lo haréis.
Repito: las personas de la lista que detallo a continuación son las que tienen o pueden hacer el examen presencial la segunda quincena de junio. Si no estáis, tranquilos, antes del jueves os llegará email.
Time passes so quickly. This is our last week. I'll see you tomorrow in class at 18.30h. As I may not have enough time and it is the last class, we will probably have two sessions. It is going to be a bit longer.
Here are the activities for today: 1. Listen to this story and answer the questions:
Exercise 2: play ladders and snakes (escaleras y culebras) con el presente simple y continuo. Le dais a "start", marcáis la repuesta y le dais a "submit". Si está bien os dejará tirar el dado y seguir progresando en el tablero.
LISTENING. You have a listening below (debajo). Primero escucharás: "Training test 1. Exercise2. Who is the woman describing? Listen and choose the correct picture in exercise 1". Hasta aquí dice esto. Quiero que me transcribáis lo que dice después, como si fuera un dictado. Escucháis la descripción las veces necesarias y me la mandáis.
El martes la última clase conjunta. Hoy haré las últimas clases de speaking. La semana que viene la reservo para unas pocas personas a las que les haré videoconferencia individual para acabar de ultimar la evaluación.
Este es el link para los clubes de conversación con los lectores la semana que viene: Después de San Bernabé ya no habrá videoconferencias conmigo, pero los clubs se van a mantener hasta el 23 junio. Enjoy the weekend!
Let's practise listening with this video. Listen, mark your answer on your notebook and check it at the end of the video. The key is at the end.
's can be the contraction of three different things:
1. is
2. has
3. Possession, saxon genitive
Do THIS EXERCISE by marking the correct equivalence of "'s"
More exercises:
Exercise 1: verbs to be and to have. Read sentences and mark them right or wrong.
Exercise 2: question formation with the verb "to be"
Exercise 3: verbs and vocabulary. Write the number not the word. La primera palabra que tenéis es "tennis" , tenéis que machearla al verbo correcto y poner el número del verbo no la palabra. En este caso tendríais que poner 2, porque 2 es play y la collocation es "play tennis".
Exercise 4: present simple and verbs. Choose the correct verb to complete the sentences.
Write a little paragraph of approximately 80 words answering the following question:
What's your favourite season? Why?
Todas aquellas personas que en algún momento se han conectado a alguna clase online, me han mandado tarea al email o hayan hecho speaking están aprobadas. No están aprobadas por eso, ya que hay personas que no han hecho nada de nada en este confinamiento y están también aprobadas y con buenas notas en algunos casos.
Dicho esto, y aludiendo a aquellos alumnos que de alguna manera habéis estado en comunicación conmigo a lo largo de este confinamiento, si hubiera algún alumno "deseoso" de repetir, o reticente a pasar de curso que me lo haga saber por email. Entiendo que no, pero por si acaso.
Poco a poco voy por email informándoos de las notas. Como tarde os diré el 4 junio. La semana que viene habrá pequeños "exámenes" por videoconferencia con algunas personas con las cuales ya he contactado.
Enjoy this sunny day! And see you later aligator!!
Allá va el link para quien quiera hacer conversación con nuestros lectores la semana que viene:
Comentaros también, sorry, que el otro día revisando emails en el móvil se me fue el dedo y archivé un email que no logro encontrar, ya que son cientos los que recibo y no sé identificarlo en la carpeta de archivados. No sé si es vuestro, de publicidad ... En caso de que alguien eche me menos la corrección de algún email que me lo diga , por favor.
Hi students! Friday again! You know, time passes so quickly. May is going to finish soon!
Let's see what we can do today:
READING: HERE is a Reading. Make questions after Reading.
MISTAKES: One mistake per sentence:
1. I like go to the beach
2. I love very much them
3. My birthday is on 21th June
4. I don't like reality shows in the TV
5. I like a romantic films or action films.
LISTENING AND PAST: Listen to the story of a driving test. It is in past (regular verbs, +ed). Simplemente escuchadlo un par de veces e intentar entender qué ha pasado. Si no lo entiendes entonces puedes ver los subtítulos e investigar.
Watch this video about teachers' daily routines.
Usad vuestra imaginación y respondiendo a las mismas preguntas de la entrevista del video haced una pequeña composición titulada: "Burgo's daily routine". Os la inventáis. 80-100 words. Me reiré un rato recordando viejos tiempos, jaja.
Allá va un kahoot para quien quiera revisar las "Time Prepositions". Si el anterior kahoot os salió regulín y queréis repetirlo en nickname poneis II y ya está. Por ejemplo, Burgo II.
I have read some of your compositions again and here are some typical mistakes. Rewrite these sentences checking the mistakes they have. Send me via email. One mistake per sentence:
1. My job is nurse.
2. ..but I have free time every weekends.
3. I'm happy because they call me always.
4. I like pets and play the guitar.
5. I am architect.
6. I don't like the summer. For me is horrible.
7. At the weekend I meet with my friends.
8. I want to learn English because is important for my job.
9. My neighbour is Italian, He works in a restaurant.
10. I have a beautiful blue eyes.
Os pongo este link para que hagáis un Kahoot, que ya hicimos, pero no está de más repetir.
Lo copiais y entráis en ese link. Os pedirá un Nickname, ponéis vuestro nombre y le dais a "GO". Podeis jugar y hacer las 11 preguntas, para pasar de pregunta darle a "Next"
Al final veis el podio. El kahoot estará disponible hasta el 30 mayo. El que gane punto extra. Podéis entrar una sola vez con un nickname que yo identifique.
Yo lo haría en el móvil que es más rápido y fácil, pero da igual dónde. Recordad que veis la pregunta, y luego se sube para arriba y hay que elegir una de las cuatro opciones. La pregunta se queda arriba. Cuentan los errores y no errores y el tiempo.
Hi students!
Next week we will have our class on Tuesday at 18.30h. Everybody is invited, and I will post the info with the password in the blog one minute earlier, as usual.
Apart from the class there are also speaking classes in pairs or in three's. If you are interested send me an email and we will arrange a day and a time for next week or the following one. They are quite busy.
Not so easy: HERE After listening twice, you'll see the answer
Be good and respect the protective measures. Don't come close(cerca) to people you are not living with at home. Let's be respectful. This is a really dangerous virus and we should (deberiamos) all be responsible.
MUCH/MANY/A LOT OF: Much: Uncountable, Many:Countable. HERE
PRESENT SIMPLE: Burgo's wish is you use present simple properly:HERE
As well I want you to write a composition (80-100 words) :
You are starting to work as an au-pair in London to learn English and gain this wonderful experience. You are 20 and your life is great! Write an email to your best friend about your situation. Do not forget to mention:
A bit of your routines
A brief (breve) description of the house/flat
A brief description of your family
Do not forget it is an email to a friend and it must include From/To, Salutation and a closure with a signature.
Good morning!!
One more week we are back!!
Today we will revise the past and finish with a song.
Remember tomorrow Tuesday at 18.30 there is class. We will deal with (tratar) the past too.
SIMPLE PAST ACTIVITIES: A veces la actividad se corrige mal si el apostrofe no es el adecuado o habéis contraido o no. Don't worry! The verb to be in the past Exercise 1: Positive sentences in the past Exercise 2: Negatives sentences in the past Exercise 3: Interrogative sentences in the past Exercies 4: The past (+,- and?) Exercise 5: Irregular verbs Exercise 6: Listen to verbs in the past (regular and irregular) Exercise 7: Machting the past to the Spanish translation Exercise 8: Listen and match to the past simple
And here goes a story for you to listen in the past!!
(Video vocabulary: elf=duende , elves=duendes, leather=piel, sold=pasado de sell, hide=esconder, candle=vela).
Listen to the song and complete the gaps (huecos). Give me the gaps to my email if necessary
WILL GO ON (Love Theme from Titanic) by Celine Dion